A Review Of The GQ "Best Stuff" Box For September 2018

As soon as we heard that GQ would be getting into the subscription box game, you knew, of course that we would have to take a look and review it for you guys. We were, as it happens, super, super impressed with the first box as well as the second. And, now, the third box has arrived. GQ’s box delivers every quarter, as opposed to the more common monthly boxes you might be used to. It’s called, as always, the GQ “Best Stuff Box” and it will run you $50 per box, or $190 if you sign up for a whole year of them.

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SprezzaBox In Review 1.0: How Does It Compare To Gentleman's Box?

As you are likely well aware, we’ve been on a mission recently to discover the best subscription box service for me. We have so far taken a loot at Gentleman’s Box (1, 2), WatchGang (1), and BirchboxMan (1, 2), and now it’s time to take a look at SprezzaBox...

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A Review of Gentleman's Box 2.0 (for September)

As you know, we’ve been on a search for the best subscription box/service for men. We’ve reviewed Gentleman’s Box and WatchGang so far (check them out before reading this one!), but we promised to continue to follow up with them for the coming months to see how they are over a longer stretch of time, and if their promise continues to deliver...

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A Review of the Elliot Havok Classic Watch from WatchGang Subscription Box

Continuing our search for the best men’s monthly subscription box, today we’re taking a look at WatchGang, a monthly watch subscription service. You pay a monthly fee, and every month, they send you a new watch. Sound crazy?...

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