Subscription box services are exploding. Everyone’s loving it (including us)! Letters? Not so much. Boxes? Home run!
We at The Peak Lapel have broken it down into a science to explain why subscription boxes have been so successful, and why people love them so much (and why you might too!):
1. The “Free” Perception
People love FREE stuff and getting a bunch of new items in a box every month makes you feel like you are getting a lot of stuff for free while only paying a small price for the “service.” Plus, many of these box services charge far, far less than the total value of each box. For instance, you might pay, say, about $25 a month for SprezzaBox, but actually get well over $100 worth of stuff inside of it! So, there is a real value add here, and a true perception that you are getting stuff for free. This is definitely a huge factor in why these subscription boxes have really taken off.
2. New Stuff
“It’s like past you is sending future you a gift!”
People love getting new stuff. It’s exciting, it makes you feel happy, and you then get to include something new and cool in your daily routine! Come on, who doesn’t love that feeling of walking into your house and seeing a box waiting for you with your name on it!
Even more fun is the fact that you don’t always know what is going to be in the box — so not only is getting new stuff part of the fun, but the surprise of not knowing what it is — but still knowing that you’ll for sure like it — makes it all the better! It’s like past you is sending future you a gift! Sure, you can always go to the store and buy something, but where is the fun and surprise in that? This is something unique and special to these subscription box services, and certainly plays a huge roll in their success.
3. Oh, the Choices!
Walk into any store and scan the options. Holy hell. For every item in the world there are now 1,000 different options. The clutter of choices gives people a headache, and it makes the decision process that much more difficult. On top of that, even after you have made your choice, you are left with the feeling that maybe you missed out on something even better. Subscription boxes solve this issue for you by having real, professional, and trained stylists and curators that out together boxes every month (based on your preferences) that you are sure to enjoy.
Put these three things together, and you have the sure recipe for subscription box success!