Sam Crawford of ‘The Man Blueprint’: A Conversation with The Peak Lapel

Who are you and what do you do? Where can people follow your work online?

My name is Sam Crawford and I am a luxury men’s lifestyle blogger from the UK. People can view my website at They can also follow me on Twitter (@themanblueprint), Facebook (@themanblueprint) & Instagram (@themanblueprint_).

How did you first get into men’s style/clothing/fashion and when did you decide to turn it into something more than just a hobby?

I’ve always liked the idea of writing or making videos online ever since I started watching YouTubers and reading blogs way back when. The real push was when my girlfriend started her blog last year, which led me to give it a go and see if I could offer people some value. After getting as much guidance as possible from my other half, I am now pretty competent at the whole blogging malarkey & have even written an e-book which is available on the blog for free.

What is your hair styling routine, if any? What products do you use and why?

Believe it or not, I don’t use any product per se. I use a tiny dollop of coconut oil after I get out the shower and it gives my hair a really healthy look whilst not making me look like an extra from The Godfather. In terms of brands it doesn’t really matter here as long as it’s extra virgin and organic.

What is your EDC (“Every Day Carry”), and why? Where do you keep which items? What do you never leave home without?

I never leave home without a watch. It’s such an underrated piece and seems to be getting slightly less common with the introduction of phones. I don’t like to spend all day checking my phone so this keeps me slightly more present in day to day life.

How would you describe your personal style? What is your go-to outfit?

I’d describe it as dapper & clean-cut, but not afraid to try something new. My go-to outfit varies depending on mood really. I’m equally comfortable in a suit as I am in a denim jacket, white t-shirt, jeans and a pair of Dr. Martens. Also a huge fan of polos from Reiss — that shop is dangerous for my bank account.

What is the biggest splurge style item you own and why?

I own a pair of Lanvin suede trainers which I love. Can’t remember how much I got them for, but they retail for £395 which is a bit steep to say the least. I bought them because I didn’t really have any footwear that bridged the gap between trainers and smarter shoes, which was something that I was in desperate need of.

What is your favorite style purchase of the last year and why? Least favorite?

My favourite has to be my big faux wool coat that I bought a few weeks back. It stands out from the crowd and looks smart which is a balance I am always trying to find. I don’t have a least favourite really — I tend to think over an item for about 2 weeks before taking the plunge to avoid impulse buys!

What is your morning routine? Nighttime routine?

I actually have my full morning and night time routines covered on the blog here & here. In brief, no screens, meditation, cold showers & affirmations with some stretching thrown in for good measure.

What is one style rule you think more guys should be breaking? On the flip side, what is one style mistake you see (even some otherwise well-dressed guys) commonly making?

Tucking in t-shirts is a big one people don’t do. I bloody love it and can’t put my finger on why. A tucked in tee reminds me of an old school Marlon Brando or Steve McQueen; can’t get any cooler than that.

A common mistake I see fellas making is “jeans and sheaux.” Just drop it. Do not wear smart shoes with jeans. No matter how great the rest of the look is, it will always fall flat if you’ve got smart shoes on with jeans. The same goes for wearing a blazer with jeans. Not a good aesthetic.

What book have you gifted most often?

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss.

How often do you read, and what kind of books?

I don’t read as much as I should, but when I do, it’s all self-improvement. Fiction has its place, but not in my life at the moment.

What is your overall media consumption like?

It used to be excessive and, to some extent, my YouTube consumption still is! I don’t watch TV, though, so that’s one positive, but I’d say I watch about five hours worth of content on YouTube every week. If we’re counting listening to music in there, I’d say I spend about 70 hours a week listening to the good stuff.

How do you balance all that while staying productive? 

I simply remind myself how little time we have in life to do the things we want to do. This helps me to snap out of pointless binges and keeps me on track.

How do you keep yourself productive? What advice would you give to someone who is looking to be more productive?

 Again, this is actually a topic I have covered on the blog which you can read here, but just get rid of your phone, man. Turn it off for three hours, get into a state of “flow,” and you’ll be amazed at how much you can get done in such a short period of time.